Will video games hurt you or those you love?

Have you ever heard that video games are good for you? What about “video games hurt people”? I certainly did. I figured it would be good for me to address this topic on Joyful Gaming Co. So…will video games hurt you or those you love? What does the science say? I did some cursory googling,…

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Family Gaming Schedule

Scheduled family gaming time.

As I’m sure you can surmise, we like playing games as our family. We have lots of hobbies, but playing video games is one of them for sure. We came up with a family schedule we use to distribute our time between hobbies and time together. Our Family Schedule Why bother with a family gaming…

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Spooky games aren’t for everyone

Spooky jack-o-lantern giving spooky vibes.

Yesterday was Halloween. Did y’all have fun? I hope you had a fun time with family, whatever that looked like for you. My family ended up just hanging out last night, which we loved. We didn’t end up watching anything spooky, or playing anything particularly spooky, but I’ve been thinking…should people play spooky games? They…

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What is Magic: The Gathering Arena?

Title image of “What is Magic: The Gathering Arena?” Blog post from joyfulgamingco.

If you’ve seen the card game section of the grocery store, you probably walked by Magic the Gathering cards (MTG). It’s one of those collectible card games like Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh where players need physical cards. MTG Arena, the online game, is a great way to try it out without investing a lot of money….

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